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Wednesday, July 8, 2009 '
congrats on turning 13!
hope you have a wonderful birthday
and the wish in cla cla will come true too;)

Monday, July 6, 2009 '
hmm... got nothing much to post.. so i talk/type about yesterday. yesterday went to chuch then waited for sarah to come cause she ask me to do homework with her.. i started doing before she came then i write the ans wrong!then i only brought 1 pen in my tiny pencilbox.. so i must wait for her to come.. then we started to homework(including ger) then later kit came and teach ger her sci homework cause i forgot how to do already.. then when eating in hall 2 cla and can came. followed by gre who come so late!! then sunday school have to introduce ourselves again.(so ma fun) then have the lesson then follwed by memory verse. lucky ger never repeat more then 10 times like last week(hehe) then have bs. i so tired that fall asleep.. then later the boys came in. so noisy especially dylan... then woke up found ppl studying in front of me.. then wacked donovan... then later uncle danny fetch my family home then changed then they go to thieir own house and get somethings for the bbq. later, we went to the beach and it RAIN!!! then we had to hid at the toilet and can,char,ger and clarise were saying or singing "send the rain away, in Jesus name amen!" then when the rain was slowing down and when it was very windy they started sing "slow down the wind, in Jesus name amen" so funni when char and can say a men'. haha:)

then we went to start the fire but realised have no match stick. so uncle danny had to go ask around. then aunty jericah came with it:) finally the fire started bu rain again..(sigh) we it stoped we went back again then more ppl started coming.. when it was dark it rain again. so in the end had to go cla house.. cla so ker lian, had to get everybody clothes.. in the nd she only changed her shirt not her pants..then i noe she very fustrated cause she is the host then i keep bugging her(i'm very extremly sorry cla) so later we watch war... of the worlds(hehe) then the dylan peh and don so irritating then i kept wacking them..( arh i feel like KILLING them!) when the show ended we sing "happy birthday to you..." to cla and shua then joshua so cute he dunno how to blow the candle.

so when everything thing finished we wanted to play night monster but in the end never.. dun worry cla:) so at last when home to sleep! cla pls stop saying sorry. it's not your fault. dun blame yourself. ok?

*i dun wana go school tomorrow!!!

Friday, July 3, 2009 '
Random Quiz:
Allof the 14 people must do this quiz, unless he/she doesn't have a blog.
write the names of 14 people you can think of then answer this questions..(you can repeat the name of the person whom send you this quiz. but the person can't do the quiz again..)


1.How did you get to meet 7?
she is my sis!!!(which i got to meet her in mummy's tummy!!)

2.What would you do if you and 13 never met?
most likely get very bored in church? of course will miss him la..

3.What would you do if 1 and 12 date?
lol. this is the same as cla? most like find it very weird..

4.Have you ever seen 14 cry?
yes.. valerie so poor thing. kinda my fault cause the teacher ask her to go up but she dun wan but i made her go.. i'm so sorry valerie:(

5.Would 4 and 11 be a good couple?
if they wana be gays?!?

6.Do you think 11 is attractive?
ermm... hard question.. i have no idea..

7.What's 2 favourite colour?
i'm so sorry rac i dunno:(

8.When was the last time you talked to 9?
i have no idea.. hardly talk to him..

9.What language does 8 speak?

10.Who is 13 going out with?
his SPIDERMAN!!! or whatever man!!

11.What grade is 12 in?
pri 3!!! same as can.

12.Would you ever date 10?
she is a girl!

13.Where does 5 live?
somewhere in SINGAPORE!!

14.What's the best thing about 3?
i have no idea...

15.What would you wan to tell 10 now?
see you on sunday~

16.What is the best thing about 8?
she is a very cheerful and funny girl:)

17. Have you ever kissed 5?

18.What was the best memory you have with 7?
the day she was born!!!

19.When's the last time you seen 6?

20.How is 14 and 12 diff?
they come from diff schools. but like to eat vegetables!!!!

21.Is 6 pretty/handsome?
i have nothing to say...

22.How did you meet 5?
5 days after she was born!!!

23.Is 1 your best friend?
of course!

24.Do you hate 12?
NO!!! how could i hate my sis?!?

25.Have you seen 4 last month?

26.What was the last thing you said to 3?

27.Have you been to 5 house?
of course!!

28.When the next time you're gonna see 10?
tomorrow if going to meet at cla house!

29.Are you close to 13?

30.Have you ever been to a movie with 4 before?
yep! so fun when everyone go!!

31.Have you ever gotten into troble with 8?
i dun think so..

32.Would you give 2 a hug?

33.What best thing have you lied to 3?
"ur joke very funny...hahahahaha"

34.Do you secrets about 9?

35.Describe the relationship wif 12 and 14.

36.Any strange best things about your friendship wif 9?
erm... what u wana noe? kapo..

37.What's the worst thing about 6?
he's a PERVERT!!!

38.Have you ever crushed on 12?
what crush u mean verbally or physically?!?

39.Does 14 bave a girlfirend/boyfriend?
nope.. last year she reject liao..

40.Have you ever punch 1's face?
i think if i do that he will punch me back..

41.Has 2 met your mother?

42.Did you ever phsically hurt 3?
YEP!! lost of times..

43.Do you live close to 7?
yes!! just nxt room.. although under the same roof!

44.What's 8 favourite food?
CUP NOODLES!!!(chicken flavor)

45.What kind of car does 1 have?
he doesn't own a car.. too young to drive..

46.Have you travelled anywhere wifth 9 before?
yes.. most of the time to malaysia..

47.If you give 14 $100, what would he/she spend it on?
easy.. BROWNIESS!!!



Elaine =D also known as Elaine(i have no idea whats my nick
05/06/95 is remembered
Siao 14
Proud to be gemini

Last update:
  • Good results
  • Hapiness Everyday!
  • My Family♥
  • My BFFZs♥
  • cravings
  • Cravings

  • Beloved


    ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ God x33
    ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ My Family
    ♥♥♥♥♥♥ BFFZs
    ♥♥♥♥♥♥ Valerie

    Sorry if i miss out you; tag me

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