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Friday, August 14, 2009 '
Ok, today was a LONG and tiring day.. Ger and Char didn't go school cause they both sick. But the strangest thing was that they can meet me at whitesands to eat and they looked (and is still looking) perfectly normalAbout today got nothing much to say.. Went school "pay attention" during lessons until school dismisss. Then i went to follow Valerie to give Jia Yan her homework cause she never come for 4 days already due to fever.. so ker lian. After that we went to eat lunch quickly cause already late for chinese remedial(i fail my chinese paper..) but i dun care.. that teacher also dun schold ppl 1 as long we go. Then rushed to change cause today have UG games day.. unfortunately remedial ended late.. So embarasing in front of so many ppl><
The "ug games day only have 4 games.. i have to play captians ball, have to keep jumping, and ice breaker.. The ice breaker have to find a marble inside a box full of weird stuff like leaves and some kind of greenish thing. Not only that also have water, the water is YELLOWISH!!EEEEWWWW!!!!! GROSS and it STINKS!! But in the end my group never win any games so no prize except 1 lollipop:) Ms Farina(TO) say that sec 2 on 24 aug have to go shooting not archery but a real gun wif bulltets!! OMG like real police officer, 28 aug have to go police heritage ceter so dun nid go training:) I so happy!!! Btw Gre your blog skin so nice!! just that have no chatbox. hurry put 1!!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009 '
Sorry so long never post.. anyway also got nothing much to post about. today dun feel like going to school cause need to wake up early.. but OF COURSE i went school la.. then go school listen to Mr ali boasting about his BMW car and about what a "GOOD" TENIS player he was, i almost feel asleep as usual.. who would bother to listen sia.. and of course the class went "ooo" after hearing him say that. then he nver explain properly what to do then he ask the whole class, acctually half the class cause the class split into 2 dunno why,to do then circuit thing and almost everyone do wrongly. DUH! so he scold the whole class... then after tat recess follwed by CME see ppl present their play then PE to the hip hop thing but my classmates called today's lesson 'the SQUARE dance' cause keep dancing in a SQUARE! then geog go through test paper the form teacher period cause teacher say we learn finish the geog topics for common test. but no one bother to see so teacher off it. then we have to write goal settings and other suff that not important. thats all for my boring day in SCHOOL. hope ah gong can recover soon:)



Elaine =D also known as Elaine(i have no idea whats my nick
05/06/95 is remembered
Siao 14
Proud to be gemini

Last update:
  • Good results
  • Hapiness Everyday!
  • My Family♥
  • My BFFZs♥
  • cravings
  • Cravings

  • Beloved


    ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ God x33
    ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ My Family
    ♥♥♥♥♥♥ BFFZs
    ♥♥♥♥♥♥ Valerie

    Sorry if i miss out you; tag me

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